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This page is still under construction. In the meantime, hear what members of MSVP say about being involved in the organization:


"I joined MSVP because violence affects all of us. It robs our communities and individual lives from living free of fear. Violence should not be considered a part of life, much less something for someone who experiences it to live it in silence.  By engaging in conversations about violence and its effect on health and society, we can enhance our training to become more compassionate and effective physicians.  Together we can empower each other and our communities to target root causes of violence.  In addition to organizing opportunities to engage in these conversations with community leaders and physicians, MSVP also leads efforts towards preventing and reducing violence with the Young Champs program and visits to early education centers."

- Liz Ortiz, M2


This spaces is under construction. In the meantime, read what MSVP members have to say about their experiences in the organization!


"My name is Amanda Bailey, I was born and raised in Los Angeles and am a 2nd year here at UIC. I have a passion for urban medicine and plan to go back into my community to work as a pediatrician. Knowing and learning that Homicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in youth age 15-24 urged me to be more involved in stopping violence and the factors contributing to that statistics. As a future pediatrician, I cannot stand by and watch this continue -- I have to be a part of the solution!"

- Amanda Bailey, M2


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